The Rhine! The Rhine! Beloved river,
We have traversed many strand,
Now returning, we shall never
Leave again our fatherland!
The Rhine! The Rhine! Morning mists, how fast they're clearing
From the lofty Drachenfells,
While our barque is steady nearing
To the homes where beauty dwells!
The Rhine! The Rhine! Hark! The hunter's horn is sounding,
Back to cave the echoes bring,
While our hearts with joy are bounding,
And the song of home we sing!
The Rhine! The Rhine! See the young vines how they're creeping,
High o'er mountain peaks they grow,
While the sunbeams softly sleeping,
In the fairy dells below!
The Rhine! The Rhine! Ancient keep and castle hoary,
How we welcome thee once more!
Where with wassail, wine, and story,
Passed the merry days of yore!
The Rhine! The Rhine! Flow, thou bright, romantic river,
In thy beauty ever flow,
And our steps shall linger ever,
Where the rocky vine trees grow.
The Rhine! The Rhine!