I've watched thee, as across thy brow
There swept some shade of feeling,
And seen within thy softened eye
A dreamy halo stealing. I've seen the smile upon thy lip,
By shadows followed slowly,
Until beneath the mingled charm
Thy face grew almost holy. I've seen thy deep and earnest eye
Lit by some strange illumine,
As if with something far away
Thy spirit was communing, And wondered if you always wore
That mask of airy lightness,
And if no solemn wave of thought
E'er comes to quench its brightness. I've wondered if thy soul's deep chords
Awoke no deeper measure,
Whose great, grand tones cannot be drowned
In lighter strains of pleasure. I've wondered if thy heart was bound
To pleasure's paths of beauty,
Ne'er waking to the clarion call
Of stern and lofty duty; And thought if that strange mask was off
That makes us all deceivers,
And in our seeming, not our real,
Making the world believers, That slumbering down within thy soul
Are deeps no line can measure,
And that would prove, if rightly stirred,
Unto the world a treasure; Thy future's page, unwritten still,
Will tell to me the story,
And may it be a blotless book,
Traced bright with lines of glory.