The Barren Tree, by Mary Dow Brine

The Barren Tree

Dear Saviour, I am as the "barren tree, "
Unworthy of the love Thou givest me;
And yet, oh, Lord, a little longer spare!
A little longer keep me in Thy care!
Forbear to say, "Why cumbers it the ground?"
But let Thy love continue to abound.
Let heavenly grace within mine heart take root,
Spring up, and bear, through Thee, abundant fruit.
I know that Thou for years hast sheltered me,
I feel my deep indebtedness to Thee:
So spare me yet a little longer, Lord,
To grow in grace and beauty thro' Thy Word;
Ah! Then, perchance, ere long the barren tree,
The richest of Thy fruits shall render Thee. - Mary Dow Brine

Mary Dow Brine