Roses, refresh'd with nightly dew, display,
New beauties blushing to the dawn of day;
So, by the kisses of a rapt'rous night,
Thy vermil lips at morn blush doubly bright;
And from thy face, that's exquisitely fair,
That vermil brightness seems more bright t' appear:
Deep purpled vi'lets thus a deeper glow,
Held in some virgin's snowy hand, will show;
And early-rip'ning cherries thus assume,
'Mid the late blossoms, a superior bloom;
When spring and summer boast united pow'r,
At once producing both the fruit and flow'r.
But why, when most thy kisses fire my heart,
Why, from th' endearing transport must I part?
Oh! Let that crimson on those lips remain
Till ev'ning brings me to thy arms again:
Yet should those lips ere then some rival bless,
Some youth whom thou in secret shalt caress;
Then may they cease for ever to disclose
That beauteous blush, which emulates the rose!
Then paler turn, than my pale cheek shall prove,
Whene'er I view this mark of faithless love!