My soul lingers in a place where terrible talons
spring from the depths of a great void to grasp
at the edge of light, trying to pull hope into its nothingness
and suffocate joy in the heavy folds of its emptiness I don’ t recall the exact path I travelled to wind-up
here, this ending place, but I know dark thoughts paved the way The sound of doors opening, opportunity and energy rushing-in,
to replace staleness and stagnation, for others but not me
has deflated my spirit sending it spiraling toward the cliffs of the abyss It is not fame or applause I crave, it is acceptance. I long to be invited to sit around a campfire
not as a stranger, passing through
not as a wanderer, guarded and aloof
but as a member of the clan Weaving stories amid beating drums and ancient songs I am She-Who-Stands-Alone by circumstance not choice
and I’ ve grown weary of the infernal CLICKING
of locks and latches upon my approach. I want to master the art of belonging,
to understand what is missing in my smile:
that it does not reassure,
what is missing in my handshake:
that it does not engender trust,
why my overtures of friendship:
are met with suspicion Yet, I’ m no closer today than I was yesterday
to finding the answers to these questions,
it is a riddle whose solution eludes me I only know some are invited to sit by the campfire
while others are sent away, cold and dejected If I am to remain a wanderer, a traveling gypsy
I must faithfully cling to the hope, one day I, too,
will be invited to sit around a campfire by a people,
not as a stranger, passing through,
not as a wanderer, guarded and aloof
but as a member of the clan Weaving stories amid beating drums and ancient songs It is why I do not tarry long along the cliffs of the abyss or heed its siren’ s call.