The Seraph and the Poet, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The Seraph and the Poet

THE seraph sings before the manifest
God-one, and in the burning of the Seven,
And with the full life of consummate Heaven
Heaving beneath him like a mother's breast
Warm with her first-born's slumber in that nest!
The poet sings upon the earth grave-riven;
Before the naughty world soon self-forgiven
For wronging him; and in the darkness prest
From his own soul by worldly weights. Even so,
Sing, seraph with the glory! Heaven is high--
Sing, poet with the sorrow! Earth is low!
The universe's inward voices cry
'Amen' to either song of joy and woe--
Sing seraph, --poet, --sing on equally. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth Barrett Browning