I O Lord, if heedless we have been
Fighting the fight the whole year through;
If we have fallen into sin,
Seeming to have forgotten You;
Today, O Lord, we halt our pace,
To thank Thee for Thy kindly grace, II Through all the turmoil and the strife,
Through woe and weal, through pomp and pride;
Through troubles of our business life
May we acknowledge you our guide.
The prayers that nightly we should say,
Dear Lord, we offer You today. III Headlong we've rushed from day to day,
Content to know "Thy will be done; "
Neglecting oft to kneel and pray,
When darkness hid the setting sun.
But oh! Dear Father, now we bend,
A prayer of gratitude to send. IV The many gifts You have bestowed,
Mutely and dumbly we received;
Grumbling as neath a stinging goad,
And showing not that we believed;
Taking Your blessings, gracious Lord,
Not giving back one thankful word. V But, Father, now we bend the knee,
And offer up our grateful prayer;
Though we have walked away from Thee,
Restore us to your gracious care.
For what ingratitude we've shown,
Dear Lord, today we would atone.