Cover their graves with the blossoms of May,
Strew them with blooms from the garden of love;
Sing them a song of remembrance today,
Shine on their mounds, gentle sun, from above.
Tenderly bring them the beauties of Spring,
Roses of love, there to gracefully swing,
Strew them with pansies and lovingly twine
Garlands of worship from sweet eglantine.
For the years may be many, the years may be long,
But our heroes will live in our hearts and our song. Over their graves gentle Spring now has laid
A carpet of velvety green from her loom;
Into garlands the flowers from her bosom are made
And lovingly placed at the gate of each tomb.
And tears of remembrance we shed as we stand
O'er the mounds of our loved ones, asleep in the land;
The flag that they fought for we place at their graves
And our hearts fill with pride as it flutters and waves.
Though the years have been dreary, their glory is bright,
Their valor still shines as a beacon of right. Their comrades and widows and children once more
Unite at their graves on a mission of love;
But Time with his sickle still garners his store,
And many are called to the mansion above.
But their children's children will cease from their play
In the days that will come, and with blossoms of May
They'll hallow their graves as this morning we do,
With flowers just as bright and 'neath skies just as blue.
Though the years may be many, the years may be long,
Our heroes will live in our hearts and our song.