Welcome, sweet and lovely rangers,
Though to me you are most strangers,
But secure and fear no danger,
Your banquet is prepared,
Your bedding sweetly aired,
For all your comfort cared. Your plumage of a rare design
Is not from in our own confine,
But all are welcome whate'er kind,
To drink from out the fount,
And banquet like a count.
Let naught your pleasure daunt. When all your wants are well supplied,
Your caroling in turn replied,
Pray, tell me who's your journey's guide,
Whose chariots are they
That bring you all the way,
From distant land and sea. Have you a chart that shows the way,
And points your course through night and day
Or is it the divine Convey,
That dwells within us all?
Is't nature's madrigal
That oft our souls enthrall? I have myself a rover been;
Perchance in foreign land I've seen,
And heard you sing in forests green,
Your songs of joy and love,
From flowery arched alcove,
Your happiness to prove. You are the blithesome tourists, free
To rove o'er mountain, vale and sea
And join with nature's melody,
Your songs and caroling,
That with deep pathos ring,
More joy than sorrow bring. You're often robed in bright array,
Red, blue and green, white, gold and grey.
All, a la mode, each blessed day,
You wing through space like lords,
Possess royal beds and board,
By all you are adored. My life like yours shall ever be
In tune with nature blithe and free,
And join in song and jubilee.
Seek the best everywhere,
To which we're all co-heir,
Debonnair, free from care. With yours my love and songs shall blend,
Our friendship never, never end,
Our happiness and joy transcend.
Farewell where'er you fly,
On wings of liberty,
Your life may vivify.