"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." --Matthew 11: 25 This were a world of darkness, sin, and woe,
But for the mercies that from Jesus flow.
He hath taught us in life's bitterest hour
To trust alike His piety and His pow'r.
Mighty to save, and mighty to destroy,
How shall we thank Him, that from realms of joy,
Of unimaginable glory, He
Would deign our earth to visit, to make free
From Satan's chains our all-degraded race,
And bring us promise of redeeming grace?
How shall we thank our Saviour and our Lord?
By gratefully believing in His word;
By humbly trusting in His proffer'd aid,
Casting our cares on Him. Hath He not said:
"Come unto me, all ye that are oppress'd
And heavy laden, I will give you rest?" Our Saviour asks but this: Come unto Him;
Come unto Him with faith; though eyes be dim
With lonely weeping--hearts be broken, crush'd
Beneath a load of grief--and cheeks be flush'd
With shame at former guilt--He can release
From sin's dark triumph; He can calm to peace
The troubled mind, and with a holy light
Illume the tearful eye. Shall mortals slight
That invitation given by heavenly love?
Shall they reject that message from above?
Let us look to life beyond the grave,
And timely fly to Him whose pow'r alone can save!