Poems by Moschus

Poems by Moschus

Alpheus, by Moschus

Alpheus, gliding by old Pisa's towers,
Deep in the sea his eager way pursues
With sacred dust...

The Choice, by Moschus

When on the wave the breeze soft kisses flings,
I rouse my fearful heart and long to be

Eros and the Bull, by Moschus

His torch and quiver down sly Eros flung,
An ox-goad took in hand, a wallet slung,
Then yoke...

Eunica; or, The Herdsman, by Moschus

When lately I offer'd Eunica to kiss,
She fleer'd and she flouted, and took it amiss;
"Be go...

Europa, by Moschus

Cypris, when all but shone the dawn's glad beam,
To fair Europa sent a pleasant dream;
When ...

Lament for Bion, by Moschus

Ye mountain valleys, pitifully groan!
Rivers and Dorian springs, for Bion weep!
Ye plants dro...

Love Those Who Love You, by Moschus

Pan Echo loved; she loved the frisky Faun;
The Faun to Lyda by strong love was drawn;
As Echo...

Megara, by Moschus

'Why dost thou vex thy spirit, mother mine?
Why fades thy cheek? At what dost thou repine?

The Ocean, by Moschus

When winds that move not its calm surface sweep
The azure sea, I love the land no more;
The s...

Pan, Echo, and the Satyr, by Moschus

Pan loved his neighbour Echo--but that child
Of Earth and Air pined for the Satyr leaping;

The Runaway Lover, by Moschus

Her Eros thus proclaimed the Cyprian Queen; --
'If any one has in the highway seen
My straying ...

To the Evening Star, by Moschus

Hail, golden Star! Of Ray serene,
Thou Fav'rite of the Cyprian Queen,
O Helper! Glory of the...