A Baby Brook, by Caroline Spencer
"Tinkle-te-tinkle, " it said, close to the path beside me,
A low little laughing voice, and i...
"Tinkle-te-tinkle, " it said, close to the path beside me,
A low little laughing voice, and i...
All day through the cloven mountains
Up a miracle-aisle we passed,
And we saw the stream trans...
What lights are streaming, what flashes playing,
What joy in heaven when day is done!
What ca...
"My days are as the grass; "
Swiftly my seasons pass,
And like the flower of the field I fade....
All the world lies bare and brown
As sand before a flooding;
A little wave runs up and down,
Here is the house,
Empty and lone;
Where is the home now of that which is gone?
Out in the r...
O Christ, whose cross began to bloom
With peaceful lilies, long ago,
Each year above thy emp...
Half halting, as in doubt,
Creeping, creeping, the tide goes out,
Oft breaks, impatient o...
She is an Indian Princess,
To ancient honors born;
All ye that love a lady,
Come bow you do...
From longing, that fine seed,
Dropt in this clay by wanderers of the air,
Spring the green s...
To be a slave, if Love were always keeper,
Were not a fate to grieve for in our earth;
There's silence in the holy place
Where sits the Holiest on the Throne;
And silence in the unm...
Our gracious Mother Nature; she hath a word for each--
Today or else tomorrow she'll name you in...
O cold still lips that have drunk so deep
The cup that we all must drink,
Speak but once from ...
You may go praise your roses, and talk of heavenly blue,
Or white the garb of innocence, and ...