Poems by Caroline Spencer

Poems by Caroline Spencer

In the Night, by Caroline Spencer

"When I awake"--out of the chill and shiver
Of this dark earthly hour before the dawn,
And lig...

I Shall Be Satisfied, by Caroline Spencer

Strange words for man! Through all we dream and do
We go down to the grave with hope denied;

July, by Caroline Spencer

Now comes the sudden summer,
The beautiful fierce summer,
Out of the tangle roses
And wildin...

The King's Ships, by Caroline Spencer

God hath so many ships upon the sea!
His are the merchantmen that carry treasure,
The men-of-w...

Each and All, by Caroline Spencer

Once to find the gain of loss,
Taste the sweetness out of pain,
Feel the uplifting of the cro...

April Snow, by Caroline Spencer

The green was creeping o'er the brown,
The skies dropt bluebirds yesterday;
Again today the s...

Defeat, by Caroline Spencer

When some that followed Truth shall stand
beside her in the Fatherland,
When they that win sha...

Death the Consecrator, by Caroline Spencer

O Death, the Consecrator!
Nothing so sanctifies a name
As to be written--Dead.
Nothing so win...

The Dark River, by Caroline Spencer

Beyond a thousand rivers, deep and wide
I came at last to one
All in a mist so bright the othe...

Dandelion, by Caroline Spencer

The little common people
Are laughing in the sun,
Just like the poor folk's children,
The wo...

Cruising, by Caroline Spencer

What are the days but islands,
So many little islands,
And sleep the sea of silence,
That f...

Coming, by Caroline Spencer

Today can sing of yesterday--
Songs tender, tinct with sorrow;
But mute she comes along the w...

Charms, by Caroline Spencer

I know a word of power to smite
The armies of embattled wrong;
Like driven leaves go down the ...

A Castaway, by Caroline Spencer

I saw a soul that wandered in the night
Outside a gate of gold;
It seemed her eyes had waited ...

Beginnings, by Caroline Spencer

How sorely, Lord, are thy weak creatures tried!
But here and there Thy name is glorified;