Poems by Arthur Guiterman

Poems by Arthur Guiterman

A Bill from Cupid, by Arthur Guiterman

This Day of good Saint Valentine,
Châ teau de Psyche,
Miss Arabella Lovibond, ...

A Boy and a Pup, by Arthur Guiterman

The Boy wears a grin,
A scratch on his chin,
A wind-rumpled thatch,
A visible patch,
A ch...

Burmese Love Song, by Arthur Guiterman

The Moonbeam wooed in velvet night
A Lotus bloom that dreamed of morn;
The Lotus moved her pet...

The Cold-Woman, by Arthur Guiterman

Bearing the war club, the quive...

Come Back, by Arthur Guiterman

There's naught in the town and its profitless pleasures,
No comfort in labor, no gladness in p...

The Country Dance, by Arthur Guiterman

Tread of the thistledown
Lighting on the heather--
Curls in a dancing crown
Bursting their tet...

The Dream of Chuang Tzu, by Arthur Guiterman

In life there's naught
That's true, but Thought;
The Things we build on do but seem,
For Ea...

The Fairies, by Arthur Guiterman

When Lucifer's rapscallions
Unsheathed their flaming swords
And Heaven's bright battalions

Falsehood and Sin, by Arthur Guiterman

FROM THE TALMUD Among the beasts that thronged to fill the ark
Slunk Falsehood in a lizard's bo...

Fame, by Arthur Guiterman

"Great king, " the poet cried, his rebec stringing,
"Thy name shall live forever--through my s...

Fashion, by Arthur Guiterman

Fair Eve devised a walking-suit
Of jungle grasses, soft and crimpy;
She thought it rather nea...

Fate, the Jester, by Arthur Guiterman

The planets are bells on his motley,
He fleers at the stars in their state,
He banters the su...

The First Cat, by Arthur Guiterman

The Ark on the dark, multitudinous waters
Was tossing; the rain in a cataract poured;
But Noa...

The First Thanksgiving Day, by Arthur Guiterman

BOSTON, 1631 The curse of Cain was on the earth;
The leaden heavens frowned;
The Winter clo...