Poems by Anne S. Bushby

Poems by Anne S. Bushby

The Morn of Life, by Anne S. Bushby

Where shall we seek the softest bloom?
On childhood's rosy, dimpled cheek;
That cheek which b...

The Werewolf, by Anne S. Bushby

'Twas at the middle hour of night;
And though the moon gave her pale light,
O'er the haunted ...

The War Fiend's Mission, by Anne S. Bushby

Again have broken loose the fiends of war,
From the dark depths of that abyss afar
Where sin h...

Sunset in the West Indies, by Anne S. Bushby

'Tis sweet on the shelly beach to roam,
To gaze where the sparkling billows foam,
That shine ...

Stanzas to the Moon, by Anne S. Bushby


Spirit of Love, by Anne S. Bushby

Spirit of Love, oh! Waft the sigh
With which thou bidd'st my bosom swell,
To her, whose cold...

The Soldier's Funeral, by Anne S. Bushby

Heard ye the sound of the muffled drum
And the trumpet's mournful blast?
They tell that the sol...

The Queen of Night, by Anne S. Bushby

Now 'tis moonlight's softest hour,
When fairies leave their elfin bower
To gambol on the dewy ...

Oh! Such a Heavenly Night as This, by Anne S. Bushby

Oh! Such a heavenly night as this
Might almost lure the soul to bliss!
Might soothe the weary h...

The Ocean's Secret, by Anne S. Bushby

Far, far below old Ocean's crested wave,
Deeper than lies the dark and mouldy grave,
Where n...

The Angel of Death, To the Suicide, by Anne S. Bushby

What would'st thou--mortal rash and blind?
Has madness triumph'd o'er thy mind,
That thou seek...

The Mermaid's Song, by Anne S. Bushby

Hark, hark! What sound is yon I hear,
Borne hither on the billows clear?
Is it the voice of t...

A Letter from Home, by Anne S. Bushby

In the bright sunny days of halcyon youth,
When life is happiness, and love is truth;
When, ...

If Fairies But Lived, by Anne S. Bushby

If fairies but lived in this world of ours,
And all the wild legends about them were true;

How Sweet Are the Hopes and the Pleasures of Youth, by Anne S. Bushby

How sweet are the hopes and the pleasures of youth,
Ere misfortune has blighted their springs t...